
Rise of the empire era
Rise of the empire era

rise of the empire era

  • Appropriated Appellation: His abusive father used to call him "the bane of existence", and even after Hurst's death, his friends continued calling Dessel "Bane".
  • rise of the empire era

  • Even though his plan takes one thousand years to pull off.
  • This was later confirmed by the Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia. Since he believes the Force is there for him to command, instead of vice versa, he discounts the prophecy, but if the Sith'ari does exist it's probably Bane himself.
  • The Anti-Christ: Bane extensively researches the Sith'ari prophecy that is the Sith's equivalent to the Chosen One.
  • For a given value of "parent", he would likely count as this towards Zannah, albeit more in the sense that he is The Corrupter and put her through a Training from Hell, not that he was ever pointlessly cruel to her for no reason.
  • Abusive Parents: His father beat him from childhood up until his late teens, when Bane accidentally killed him with the Force.
  • He destroyed the obsolete original Sith Order and created his own. Star of the Darth Bane trilogy of novels.

    rise of the empire era

    "I am the Dark Lord who will restore the Sith to glory.

    Rise of the empire era