DynDOLOD.exe - fixed normal map textures sometimes not having correct size on atlas.
DynDOLOD.exe - ignore texture set with 3rd _g texture for atlas discovery.
DynDOLOD Resources SE - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods.
DynDOLOD Resources SE - Papyrus Scripts - fixed sometimes not disabling LOD model beyond FarGrids.
DynDOLOD Resources - updated/added meshes for better compatibility with mods.
DynDOLOD Resources - Papyrus Scripts - fixed sometimes not disabling LOD model beyond FarGrids.
DynDOLOD-rules - added rules for better compatibility with mods.
LODGen.exe - fixed an index range issue when generating terrain LOD level 4 meshes with -1 quality.
LODGen.exe - added support for FO4 GreyscaleToPalette_Color flag, 4th texture slot and Grayscale to Palette Scale value used by some full models to change texture coloring.
LODGen.exe - always set vertex alpha value to 1 for FO4 since it is not ignored despute LOD_Objects flag.
DynDOLOD_Manual.html - added section for TVTD occlusion data generation.
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes setting wrong index for texture replacement for dynamic LOD models.
DynDOLOD.exe - added automatic update of Portal Boxes to Boxes for TES5/ENDERAL, added PortalBoxFix setting to ini.
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed sometimes not setting largref on glow LOD in static object LOD.
DynDOLOD.exe - fixed adding large references to DynDOLOD.esm for base records defined in an esp.
DynDOLOD.exe - do not set VWD flag on base records added by esp.
DynDOLOD.exe - added optional TVDT occlusion data generation, added related settings to ini.
Sclero's Farmhouse Kit 1.30 - Sclerocephalus.
Ultra trees for Reach Tree Reborn - godescalcus.
Ultra trees for Realistic Aspen Trees and Enhanced Landscapes Oaks Standalone - kojak747.
Molag Bal's Inferno - Association of Radical Skyrim Engineers - ARSE.
Hoddminir Plants and Trees - Elinen and Ztree.
Building kits and other items - jet4571.
Alternative Rock and Mountains 4K_2K_1K and watery Rock - Yuril.
Improved version of Temple of Miraak and big arches - Madcat221.
Skyrim Vanilla LOD Source Files - Nico coiN (fixes included in Unofficial Patches carried forward).
Bethesda for the game, models and texturesĮveryone who provided feedback and asked questions which equally resulted in improving DynDLODĭynDOLOD includes LOD assets based on models and/or textures from: